PyHEP.dev 2024 in Aachen
On August 26-30, the second “Python in HEP developer’s workshop”, the PyHEP.dev 2024, took place in Aachen. Thirty Python package developers, maintainers and power users got together to discuss in an informal setting relevant and timely trends in Python, largely targeting analysis.
The agenda consisted of morning kick-off talks and afternoon discussions, in which the discussion groups and topics were self-assigned. Thereby, the following topics were the central points of discussion: What is a HEP analysis and how does PyHEP relates to the analysts’ needs; the so-called Analysis Grand Challenges that run demo analyses at scale, at analysis facilities, running workflows leveraging key packages from the ecosystem; statistics packages, models, interfaces and serialization; workflow management systems; histogramming; key distributed processing tools such as RDataFrame, Coffea and Dask. Finally, the organization of future PyHEP.dev workshops was brainstormed, continuing with the idea to alternate between Europe and the US.
In addition to intense discussion, there was also time to socialize. Joint dinners, coffee breaks and a guided city tour through Aachen (including a “Printen tasting”) made the PyHEP.dev an all-round successful event.
The ErUM-Data-Hub would like to thank the organizing committee, Eduardo Rodrigues, Jim Pivarski, Nikolai Hartmann and Mattew Feickert, for the opportunity to support this event. Furthermore, we would like to thank all participants.