

Event-Programm 2024

Auch im Jahr 2024 veranstaltet der ErUM-Data-Hub in Zusammenarbeit mit DIG-UM spannende Workshops und Schulen. Die Veranstaltungen richten sich an Teilnehmer:innen aus allen ErUM-Communities und werden an unterschiedlichen Standorten in Deutschland gehalten.

Das Jahresprogramm 2024 enthält u.a. zwei Deep Learning Schulen, einen Deep Learning Train-the-Trainer Workshop sowie eine Fast and Efficient Python Computing School. Hinzu kommen werden weitere Veranstaltungen, die in Kürze an dieser Stelle bekannt gegeben werden.


Anmeldung und Bekanntmachung

Die Anmeldung zu den Workshops und Schulen erfolgt über Indico-Events. Die Links zu den Events werden hier bekannt gegeben. Wir freuen uns über eine rege Teilnahme aus allen ErUM-Communities. Das Event-Poster darf gerne verbreitet werden.  

Upcoming ErUM-Data-Hub Events


 Developer’s Workshop 2024 will be a forum for the participants and the community to discuss developments of Python packages and tools, exchange experiences and inform the future evolution of community activities. 

Der Workshop findet als Präsenzveranstaltung statt und ist auf 50 Teilnehmer:innen begrenzt.

This workshop is organized by the DIG-UM Topic Group User Interface with support of the ErUM-Data-Hub.

Building on the insights and experiences from our previous workshop, this event addresses scientists from all ErUM communities. Our goal is formulate a common strategy on how to manage and maintain the access to data and workflows provided by the different stakeholders, ranging from large international collaborations to individual scientists. The common strategy will also discuss requirements with respect to infrastructure and research data management with a focus on the user facing components.

Der Workshop findet als Präsenzveranstaltung statt und ist auf 30 Teilnehmer:innen begrenzt.

Weitere ErUM-Events

Finden Sie hier künftige spannende ErUM-Events.



CERN @ DESY public event

Have you ever heard of CERN and wondered what the researchers are working on? Or would you like to know more about career opportunities at one of the world's largest research centres?
Join us at the CERN@DESY public event on 18 September to listen to expert presentations on what CERN is doing in general, the computing challenges CERN faces and what opportunities CERN offers for students and early stage professionals.
This public event is part of the CERN School of Computing 2024 which is hosted at DESY. After the presentations, you are cordially invited to stay for a networking reception to continue the discussion and meet the speakers and the students of the CERN School of Computing coming from 32 countries.
Please register for this event by 11 September 23:59.

This event will also be available via Zoom (link will be provided later), but physical presence is preferred.

CERN School of Computing

The CERN School of Computing (CSC) organises a series of international schools, covering various aspects of scientific computing for high-energy physics and other data-intensive sciences.
These schools are aimed at postgraduate (minimum of Bachelor degree or equivalent) engineers and scientists, working at CERN or at other research institutes, with experience in particle physics, computing or related fields.


alpaka and openPMD Workshop & Hackathon

This three-day event (October 23-25) is designed to bring together developers and researchers, for a hands on workshop on some of the most important topics in high-performance computing and at the end you will be ready to use these powerful libraries in your own projects.

FAIR-DI European Conference on Data Intelligence

Building on the success of previous editions, we are pleased to announce the upcoming FAIR-DI European Conference on Data Intelligence 2024 (October 27-30). Following the remarkable achievements and insightful discussions at the 2020 and 2022 Conferences on a FAIR Data Infrastructure for Materials Genomics, we are excited to continue the discussion and further collaboration and innovation in this growing field with the theme of Data Intelligence.


KoMSO Academy:

TorchPhysics: Deep Learning for partial differential equations

The Werner von Siemens Center for Industry and Science (Berlin), the Center for Industrial Mathematics (ZeTeM, University of Bremen) and the Committee for Mathematical Modeling, Simulation, and Optimization (KoMSO) are happy to host the second edition of the KoMSO Academy (November 14-15) dedicated to ‘TorchPhysics: Deep Learning for partial differential equations’. The KoMSO Academy aims at offering mathematicians a platform for an exchange on novel mathematical concepts relevant for industrial applications. Deep Learning concepts for PDEs are booming and everybody working in this area is confronted with the challenge to decide on suitable architectures and concepts for tackling the respective problems. Hence, our present workshop aims at providing an overview on recent developments for deep learning concepts as well as dedicating substantial hours for training sessions with hands-on examples.

PUNCH4NFDI Community and User Meeting 2024

The PUNCH4NFDI consortium is inviting members of our communities to a half-day of presentations and discussions on FAIR data management in particle, astroparticle, hadron&nuclear physics, and astronomy (November 28). You will hear presentations and participate in discussions on data management, FAIR principles, FAIRification of metadata, data and workflows, analysis platforms, user requests, etc., and in particular on the relevant PUNCH4NFDI solutions and suggestions.



23rd International Workshop on Advanced Computing and Analysis Techniques in Physics Research: AI meets Reality (ACAT 2025)

The 23rd International Workshop on Advanced Computing and Analysis Techniques in Physics Research (ACAT 2025) will take place between Monday 8th and Friday 12th September, 2025 at the University of Hamburg downtown campus. ACAT 2025 will be jointly organised by DESY and the University of Hamburg.

The 23rd edition of ACAT will — once again — bring together computational experts from a wide range of disciplines, including particle-, nuclear-, astro-, and accelerator-physics as well as high performance computing. Through this unique forum, we will explore the areas where these disciplines overlap with computer science, fostering the exchange of ideas related to cutting-edge computing, data-analysis, and theoretical-calculation technologies.

internationale Events & Infos

Finden Sie hier Informationen zu internationalen Efforts zur digitalen Transformartion in der Grundlagenforschung.

European Coalition for AI in fundamental Physics

EuCAIF is an European initiative for advancing the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Fundamental Physics. Members are working on particle physics, astroparticle physics, nuclear physics, gravitational wave physics, cosmology, theoretical physics as well as simulation and computational infrastructure.

The JENAA site was established after the Joint ECFA-NuPECC-APPEC Seminar (JENAS) at Orsay, that allowed astroparticle, nuclear and particle physics researchers to peek into each other’s activities. The identified
overlapping challenges might transform via joint programs into stronger opportunities to further our understanding of both the smallest and the largest structures in nature.


Past Events:

The first “European AI for Fundamental Physics Conference” (EuCAIFCon) was held in Amsterdam, from 30 April to 3 May 2024. The aim of this event was to provide a platform for establishing new connections between AI activities across various branches of fundamental physics, by bringing together reserachers that face similar challenges and/or use similar AI solutions. The conference was organized “horizontally”: sessions were centered on specific AI methods and themes, while being cross-disciplinary regarding the scientific questions.

The first JENA Computing Workshop was held on June 12 – 14, 2023, in Bologna.

Continued discussion led to the Executive Summary and next steps, featuring the formation of five Working Groups described in the document including the possibility to sign up – see below.

Working Groups

The mandate from the 3 ENA Chairs for the Working Groups can be found here.

At the JENA Symposium in May 2022 in Madrid, both the plenary presentations and the closed session of funding agency representatives revealed that there is an increased need for discussions on the strategy and implementation of European federated computing at future large-scale research facilities.

The status, needs and plans on a European level for large infrastructures are diverse and not coherent, e.g.,

  • In particle physics the concept for HL-LHC computing is being discussed, in particular how the WLCG concept can be adapted to cope with the increased demands
  • in nuclear physics the computing is currently organized mainly facility based and the community has limited access to the national computing centers
  • in astroparticle physics various totally different computing models for the distributed large-scale infrastructures exist

For all these research areas, issues of scaling will be the challenge of the next decade. Within JENA, synergies and commonalities will be of utmost importance in this scaling.


Weitere ErUM-Infos

Finden Sie hier weitere spannende Möglichkeiten zur Vernetzung und Weiterbildung innerhalb der ErUM-Communties.


In this section, we collect events and presentations pertaining to PUNCH4NFDI and the NFDI, and we link presentations that were given by PUNCH4NFDI members.


Auf der DAPHNE4NFDI Veranstaltungs-Seite finden Sie eine umfassende Sammlung bevorstehender Konferenzen Tagungen, Workshops und Schulen.

Physics at the Terascale - Schools and Workshops

The Helmholtz Alliance “Physics at the Terascale” bundles German activities in the field of high-energy collider physics. It is a network comprising all German research institutes working on LHC experiments, a future linear collider or the related phenomenology - 18 universities, two Helmholtz Centres and one Max Planck Institute. One of the Alliance activities is to organise a series of schools and workshops.

Past Events

Past Events

Past Events 2024

The Deep Learning School “Basic Concepts” was hosted by the community organization DIG-UM with support from the BMBF-funded ErUM-Data-Hub. The event served the professional education of young scientists belonging to the ErUM Community.

In February 2024, we hosted for the fourth time the Deep Learning School at Hotel zur Post, Wiehl. In a comfortable ambience, intensive classes on Neural Network Building Blocks, Mastering Model Building and Convolutional Neural Networks were held over 4 days. On the fifth day, there was be a Career & Soft Skill Workshop.

This was a ‘Generative Models’ Workshop organized by the Big Data Analytics Topic Group of DIG-UM with support from the ErUM-Data-Hub. Aim of this workshop was to have a lively and open scientific exchange on new developments on generative models for ErUM research. This workshop was addressed to scientists from all ErUM communities who have been or are currently working on new generative models.

This was the annual Big Data Analytics Topic Group meeting organized by DIG-UM with support from the ErUM-Data-Hub. The aim of this meeting was for all members of the BDA Topic Group, and escpecially participants from the Projects in the Verbundforschung Software&Algorithmen of ErUM-Data, to meet up, discuss recent results, new ideas and possible future efforts.

Following the success of the first workshop last year in Paris, we were glad to announce the 2nd International Particle Minibeam Therapy Workshop. There were experts from all related disciplines (physics, biology, clinics etc.) offering more stimulating and comprehensive discussions. In the workshop, plenty of people involved in the minibeam research community gave interesting talks, while also young researchers had the chance to present their work and gott beneficial feedback from experienced researchers.

The topics covered in this workshop were:

  • Technologies of Particle Minibeam production and application
  • Dosimetry of Particle Minibeams
  • Biological mechanisms of the effect of Particle Minibeams
  • Pre-clinical studies on Particle Minibeam Therapy
  • Medical applications

This was the fifth Deep Learning Train-the-Trainer Workshop organized by the ErUM-Data-Hub with the support of DIG-UM.

Aim of this workshop was to educate lecturers for future teaching activities and to provide material to give lecture series on deep learning, including hands-on-exercises. Covered topics were Neural Network Building Blocks & Mastering Model Building, Convolutional Neural Networks & Graph Convolutions and Generative Models. 

This workshop was addressed to scientists from all ErUM communities with prior knowledge of neural networks with an academic level of postdoc or higher. 

This part of the workshop was supported by DIG-UM (Digital Transformation in the Research of Universe and Matter) and the ErUM-Data-Hub. For further information see

The workshop was organized in hybrid format. Participation on-site and participation remote by video were available. However, we encouraged participants to consider to come to Giessen and a number of key speakers confirmed attendance in person. 

We are aiming in enlarging the network of collaboration and the interdisciplinarity of the field. We therefore especially invited people from other ErUM communities to join the workshop. While a number of key presentations covered approaches and results from particle, hadron and nuclear physics, we explicitely welcomed contributions from method scientists as well as adjacent scientific fields. 


Active Training Course

The Active Training Course “Advanced Deep Learning” will take place over 4 days at Bernhäuser Forst in Filderstedt. The event serves the professional education of young scientists belonging to the ErUM Community and is being organized by the community organization DIG-UM with support from the BMBF-funded ErUM-Data-Hub

The intensive course on Graph Neural Networks, Transformers, Normalizing Flows and Autoencoders will be held from 21.05.24 – 24.05.24. The course includes a challenge to be worked out and presented by
participant subgroups. The workshop is aimed at deep-learning enthusiasts from all ErUM communities (Research on Universe and Matter) who have prior knowledge of neural networks and applied basic concepts of deep learning.

Die Schule findet als Präsenzveranstaltung statt und ist auf 50 Teilnehmer:innen begrenzt. Die Teilnahmegebühr beinhaltet Unterkunft und volle Verpflegung. Anmeldungen sind ab sofort möglich.

The aim of this event is to provide a networking opportunity for likeminded ErUM-Data scientists and the possibility to discuss similar proposal ideas for the upcoming ErUM-Data Call.

Dieses Event findet als Präsenzveranstaltung statt.

The workshop is intended for researchers interested in sustainability within ErUM-Data. 

Key ingredient to this workshop are short 1-slide pitches from the participants introducing themselves/their work and current projects/progresses or experience with sustainability. This session aims to connect ErUM scientists and disseminate sustainability initiatives and ideas. 

Afterwards, a discussion is opened where you can discuss your “hill-to-die-on”-opinions related to sustainability. Please write down your opinions in this google doc before the workshop starts (e.g. “Measurement precision may be sacrificed for sustainability!”).

Dieses Event findet über Zoom statt.

The workshop is supposed to bring together people who are interested in technical concepts that support the analysis of large ErUM datasets by  individual researchers or small groups. Ideas how to shape an ErUM-Data project on and the development of federated infrastructures will be discussed.

Dieses Event findet als Präsenzsveranstaltung  statt.

This is a School organized by the ErUM-Data-Hub with support from DIG-UM.

In this school you will learn how Python code can be accelerated. A focus will be placed on numeric NumPy-like array computations. In addition, running these array computations on hardware accelerators, i.e., GPUs, will play a key role in this school.

The school is intended for young researchers – especially for PhD students – who regularly work with the scientific Python ecosystem. Requirements are good knowledge of the scientific Python ecosystem, basics of the C++ programming language are beneficial.

Die Schule findet als Präsenzveranstaltung statt und ist auf 50 Teilnehmer:innen begrenzt. Die Teilnahmegebühr beinhaltet Unterkunft und volle Verpflegung. Anmeldungen sind ab sofort möglich.

Past Events 2023

Event-Programm 2023

Im Jahr 2023 veranstaltete der ErUM-Data-Hub in Zusammenarbeit mit DIG-UM spannende Workshops und Schulen. Die Veranstaltungen richteten sich an Teilnehmer:innen aus allen ErUM-Communities und wurden an unterschiedlichen Standorten in Deutschland gehalten. 

Das Jahresprogramm 2023 enthielt drei Deep Learning Schulen, zwei Deep Learning Train-the-Trainer Workshops und Workshops zu Big Data Analytics, Sustainability in ErUM-Data, Research Data Management und Next Generation Environment for Interoperable Data Analysis. 

Deep Learning Basics

Train-the-Trainer Workshop

Am 7. und 8. Februar 2023 veranstalten der ErUM-Data-Hub und DIG-UM erneut den Deep Learning Basics Train-the-Trainer Workshop. Veranstaltungsort im Jahr 2023 war München.

Big Data Analytics

Connection Workshop

Am 23. und 24. Februar 2023 veranstalteten der ErUM-Data-Hub und DIG-UM einen Connection Workshop zum Thema Big Data Analytics auf dem DESY Campus in Hamburg. Ziel war es, Synergien zwischen den geförderten Projekten (und anderen Aktivitäten, wie den NFDI-Konsortien DAPHNE und PUNCH) zu finden und zu erörtern, wie Projekte, die in dieser Runde nicht gefördert wurden, dennoch realisiert werden können.

Deep Learning School

Basic Concepts

Vom 27. Februar bis zum 2. März 2023 veranstalteten der ErUM-Data-Hub und DIG-UM zum zweiten Mal die Deep Learning Schule Basic Concepts. 

Lesen Sie hier den Rückblick zu der ersten Deep Learning Schule im August 2022.

Research Data Management

Expert Workshop

Im März 2023 veranstalteten der ErUM-Data-Hub und DIG-UM einen Expert Workshop zum Thema Research Data Management in Bonn. 

Next Generation Environment for Interoperable Data Analysis

Expert Workshop

Im März 2023 veranstalteten der ErUM-Data-Hub und DIG-UM einen Expert Workshop zum Thema Next Generation Environment for Interoperable Data Analysis in Berlin. 

Sustainability in the Digital Transformation of Basic Research on Universe & Matter

Expert Workshop

Vom 30. Mai bis zum 02. Juni 2023 veranstalteten der ErUM-Data-Hub und DIG-UM einen Experten Workshop zum Thema Sustainability in ErUM-Data.


Advanced Deep Learning


Am 19. und 20. Juni 2023 veranstalteten der ErUM-Data-Hub und DIG-UM den zweiten Advanced Deep Learning Train-the-Trainer Workshop.

Basic Concepts

Vom 07. bis zum 10. August 2023 veranstalteten der ErUM-Data-Hub und DIG-UM erneut die Deep Learning Schule Basic Concepts. 

Active Training Course

Vom 25. bis zum 28. September 2023 veranstalteten der ErUM-Data-Hub und DIG-UM zum zweiten Mal die Advanced Deep Learning Schule in Meinerzhagen. 

This Workshop was hosted by the community organization DIG-UM with support from the BMBF-funded ErUM-Data-Hub.

The goal of the workshop was to get an overview on inverse problems in the ErUM-Data community, to discuss methods to solve them, and to foster exchange and cooperation between the ErUM-communities. In particular, the workshop was intended for early stage researchers.


Past Events 2022

Deep Learning Basics

Train-the-Trainer Workshop

Am 30. und 31. März 2022 fand der erste ErUM-Data-Hub Workshop in Aachen statt. Der Deep Learning Train-the-Trainer Workshop beinhaltete 4 Vorträge zu den Themen Deep Learning BasicsConvolutional Neural NetworksRecurrent Neural Networks und Introspection Neural Networks und verfolgte das Ziel, Dozent:innen für zukünftige Lehrtätigkeiten auszubilden und Material für Vorlesungen zum Thema Deep Learning bereitzustellen.

Deep Learning Workshop

Train-the-Trainer 2

Advanced Concepts

Vom 09.06.2022 bis 10.06.2022 haben der ErUM-Data-Hub und DIG-UM zum zweiten Train-the-Trainer Deep-Learning Workshop eingeladen. Der Workshop richtete sich an Wissenschaftler:innen aus allen ErUM-Communities, die über Vorkenntnisse im Bereich neuronale Netze verfügen. Die Teilnehmer:innen zeigten hohe Bereitschaft, in Zukunft Deep-Learning-Vorlesungen an Schulen und Workshops zu halten. 

Deep Learning Schule I

Basic Concepts

Basic Concepts

Im August 2022 veranstalteten der ErUM-Data-Hub und DIG-UM die erste Deep Learning Schule im Landhaus Nordhelle in Meinerzhagen. In schönem Ambiente wurde über 4 Tage intensiver Unterricht zu den Themen Neural Network Building Blocks, Mastering Model Building, Convolutional Neural Networks, Recurrent Neural Networks und Introspection of Neural Networks gehalten. Die Schule richtete sich an Einsteiger:innen aus allen ErUM-Communities, die über grundlegendes physikalisches Wissen verfügen. 

Conceptual Advances in Deep Learning for ErUM Research

Conceptual Advances in Deep Learning for ErUM Research

Expert Workshop

Expert Workshop

Vom 12.09.22 bis zum 16.09.22 veranstalteten der ErUM-Data-Hub und DIG-UM einen Workshop zu Conceptual Advances in Deep Learning. Der Workshop fand im Hotel zur Post in Wiehl statt und richtete sich an Fortgeschrittene. Das Programm enthielt folgende Themen:  

Active Training Course

Advanced Deep Learning

Vom 28.11.22 bis zum 01.12.22 veranstalten der ErUM-Data-Hub und DIG-UM die zweite Deep Learning Schule. Im Landhaus Nordhelle in Meinerzhagen wird über 4 Tage intensiver Unterricht zu den Themen Graph Neural Networks, GANs, Autoencoders und Normalizing Flows gehalten. Vorkenntnisse über neuronale Netze sind erforderlich. Die Teilnahme an der ersten Deep Learning Schule ist jedoch keine Voraussetzung.

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