Welcome to the new ErUM-Data-Wiki
We are excited to introduce you to the new ErUM-Data Wiki (https://wiki.erumdatahub.de/bin/view/Main/), which you can now register for. This platform is intended to facilitate the exchange of knowledge and information between ErUM-Data scientists.
For example, you will find a material collection with online courses, lectures and tutorials in the wiki. This collection thrives on your use and entries. You are welcome to upload further materials!
You will also find a list of “People in ErUM-Data”, which you can use to network with other scientists. Now it’s up to you: register and check if your working group is already listed. If so, you can specify the tags of your group. If not, add your working group with your research focus if you want to be found by other ErUM-Data colleagues.
You will find short explanatory videos to help you register and use the lists optimally.
Please note that further development is an ongoing effort. More functions, content and interaction options are planned. This wiki is for you, the ErUM-Data community, and is intended to meet your needs. For optimal functionality, we are dependent on your input. We are always happy to receive feedback, suggestions and requests, which you are welcome to send to info@erumdatahub.de.