

What are the tasks of the ErUM-Data-Hub? What is defined in the "Aktionsplan ErUM-Data"? And what are the ErUM communities? Here you can find further information on our functions and aims.

Digital Transformation

The digital transformation affects all of us. It changes the way we live and work every day and has a direct impact on our social and economic future. The exploration of Universe and Matter (ErUM) is playing a pioneering role in the progress of the digital transformation process.

Basic research in physics addresses the fundamental questions of our time and thereby meets special technological challenges. An example of this are particularly large and complex data sets known as Big Data, which are obtained from measurements at large-scale research centers or simulations at high-performance and supercomputing centers.

The management and purposeful processing of the enormous amount of research data remains a challenge due to the increasing performance of large-scale devices and digital infrastructures. New solutions for data storage, data transfer and data use are permanently being developed. Synergies with other research areas and industry are also being sought.

The management and purposeful processing of the enormous amount of research data remains a challenge due to the increasing performance of large-scale devices and digital infrastructures. New solutions for data storage, data transfer and data use are permanently being developed. Synergies with other research areas and industry are also being sought.

Aktionsplan ErUM-Data

Copyright © CERN/Thomas McCauley

ErUM-Data Plan of Action,

From Big Data to Smart Data - Digitization in Fundamental Research in Natural Sciences.

With the aim of meeting the challenges of digitization in basic scientific research in a quick and future-oriented manner and promoting excellent research in and from Germany, the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) is establishing the ErUM-Data action plan (Aktionsplan ErUM-Data) as part of the framework program "Exploring the Universe and Matter - ErUM" published in 2017.

The ErUM-Data action plan creates conditions for the basic scientific research of tomorrow and promotes a coordinated approach and broad understanding. The long-term goal is to pave the way to higher-level solutions and to create optimal conditions for efficient and fundable data processing and utilization. Easy access to data and tools is a central pillar of the action plan.


In order to implement the strategic measures of the ErUM-Data Action Plan effectively and in close coordination with the ErUM communities, the ErUM-Data Hub will be established as a central networking and transfer point.

The ErUM Data Hub is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and involves stakeholders from all ErUM thematic areas. It takes up ideas from the scientific community and supports and coordinates their implementation. A further aim is to provide support in the transfer of developed solutions to new fields of application and to attract partners beyond ErUM, for example in the areas of energy, climate, sustainability and health.


The activities of the ErUM-Data-Hub are divided into 4 work areas:

  • Networking
  • Exchange
  • Digital competencies
  • Communication

The activities of the ErUM-Data-Hub are divided into 4 work areas:

  • Networking
  • Exchange
  • Digital competencies
  • Communication

Short facts

The ErUM-Data-Hub is the central networking and transfer office for the digital transformation in the exploration of universe and matter.

As a Digital Knowledge Agent, the ErUM-Data-Hub performs strategic activities to support the digital transformation in fundamental ErUM-Pro research.

Under the leadership of Univ.-Prof. Dr. Martin Erdmann, the ErUM-Data-Hub team is located at RWTH Aachen University. 

Short facts

The ErUM-Data-Hub is the central networking and transfer office for the digital transformation in the exploration of universe and matter.

As a Digital Knowledge Agent, the ErUM-Data-Hub performs strategic activities to support the digital transformation in fundamental ErUM-Pro research.

Under the leadership of Univ.-Prof. Dr. Martin Erdmann, the ErUM-Data-Hub team is located at RWTH Aachen University. 

ErUM-Data-Hub Work Areas

The implementation of the objectives of the ErUM Data Hub is carried out by 4 work areas.


Promote Networking

Synergy identification and networking between ErUM communities and ErUM-Data projects in the field of digitalization.


Instensify Exchange

Knowledge and innovation transfer with related disciplines, technology and industry.


Expand Digital Competencies

Training and development activities: schools, workshops and career guidance.


Support Networking

Public relations, modern communication formats and target group-oriented communication of research results.



The ErUM-Data-Hub implements the measures of the ErUM-Data Action Plan. In doing so, the Hub maintains close contact with the German ErUM communities:

Astroparticle Physics

The Committee for Astroparticle Physics represents all German physicists in the field of astroparticle physics.

Elementary Particles Physics

The Committee for Elementary Particle Physics is the elected representation of the German particle physicists.

Accelerator Physics

The Accelerator Physics Committee represents the interests of accelerator physics employees and students.

Research with neutrons

The KFN is an independent interest group with the aim to promote research with neutrons in Germany.

Research with synchrotron radiation

The KFS represents all researchers working with synchrotron radiation in Germany.

Research with nuclear probes and ion beams

The KFSI represents and promotes research with nuclear probes and ion beams in Germany.

Hadron and nuclear physics

The Hadron and Nuclear Physics Committee coordinates and represents the interests of German hadron and nuclear physicists.

German Observatory Council

The Council of German Observatories represents the interests of the institutes active in astronomical research in Germany.


Anyone looking into the ErUM-Data-Hub will also come across the abbreviation DIG-UM. What is it all about?

What is DIG-UM?

The ErUM Self-Organization for Digital Transformation DIG-UM was launched at the same time as the ErUM-Data-Hub. Within the self-organization, the needs and requirements of the eight ErUM communities are combined, scientific strategies are developed and overview documents are written in different topic groups.

What is the abbreviation DIG-UM?

DIG-UM is short for Digital Transformation in the Research of Universe and Matter.

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Any Questions?

Are there any unanswered questions? Feel free to contact the ErUM Data Hub team in Aachen. 

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