Welcome to the ErUM-Data-Hub

The ErUM Data Hub is the central networking and transfer office for the digital transformation in the exploration of universe and matter. Here you can find more about our functions and aims.

We are a Digital Knowledge Agent

The ErUM-Data-Hub , funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), is a central networking and transfer office for the digital transformation in the exploration of universe and matter (German abbreviation: ErUM). The main aims of the ErUM-Data-Hub are: The networking of ErUM-communities, identification and exploitation of synergies in ErUM-Data-projects in the field of digitalization, the communication of research results geared to the target groups as well as knowledge and innovation transfer. Furthermore, the ErUM-Data-Hub provides a diversified further education offer in the field of digital competence.

As part of the ErUM-Data Plan of Action, the ErUM Data Hub pursues the overarching goal of digital transformation in fundamental ErUM-Pro research. Read more about who we are and what we do.

ErUM Short Facts

What does the abbreviation "ErUM" stand for and who belongs to the ErUM-Communities?


In Germany, about 20,000 scientists are involved in the exploration of universe and matter (German: "Erforschung von Universum und Materie" = ErUM) with large-scale equipment.


German ErUM research is organized in 8 ErUM committees. These committees coordinate and represent the interests of the different research areas.

ErUM-Data Plan of Action,

With the aim of exploiting the full potential of digital solutions in basic research and ensuring excellent research in the future, the BMBF has published the ErUM-Data Action Plan.


The ErUM Data Hub is the central networking and transfer office for the digital transformation in the exploration of universe and matter. In close coordination with the ErUM communities, the Hub implements the strategic measures of the ErUM Data Action Plan. 

Years "Aktionsplan ErUM-Data"



Am 6. und 7. Februar 2025 fand im Novotel Aachen der erste Transfer Workshop: ErUM-Scientists & Industry in Dialogue zum Wissensaustausch und Networking, organisiert vom ErUM-Data-Hub, der AiNT GmbH (Stolberg) und dem LHC-ErUM-FSP Büro (Hamburg) statt…


 Am 03. Februar 2025 fand im Super C der RWTH Aachen das AI Colloquium, organisiert vom Center for Articifial Intelligence stat und wir waren wieder mit dabei…


We are excited to introduce you to the new ErUM-Data Wiki (https://wiki.erumdatahub.de/bin/view/Main/), which you can now register for. This platform is intended to facilitate the exchange of knowledge and information between ErUM-Data scientists. 



Unsere Events

Workshops & Schools 2025

Conceptual Advances
in Deep Learning



More to be announced soon!

Follow us

Follow us

On our social media channels you will be regularly informed about our events and exciting news from ErUM research. 

On Wiki you can register for the DIG-UM  Mailing-List.

Gemeinsam zum Ziel

Starke Partnerschaften. Gebündelte Kompetenz. Eine gemeinsame Vision.

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Grafik "im Aufbau"

Stay tuned

Our website is still under construction. Soon you will find exciting news from ErUM research, networking opportunities and more information about upcoming events. If you have any questions or suggestions, the ErUM Data Hub team will be happy to help. 

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